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Furniture design | Chair prototype

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CUSCINO|which means “cushion” in Italian, is a wooden foldable stool inspired from a Japanese ZABUTON, a cushion that is placed on the floor to sit on. The stool transforms itself from a stool to a wooden ZABUTON by folding its legs.

ASSE|which means "axis" in Italian, is a folding chair with an acrylic back and a wooden seat. Folding the seat and legs by using the acrylic back as its axis, the chair minimizes its volume for easy storage.

NASTRINO|which means "ribbon" in Italian, is a wooden ribbon-shaped chaise lounge. Inspired by Japanese calligraphical gesture, HITOFUDEGAKI: a single stroke writing, it creates a natural and flowing silhouette.

GIARDINO|which means a “garden” in Italian, is an outdoor seating inspired by Japanese gardens. Installed in a garden paved with pebbles, the base blends into the garden, and the wooden seating appears to be floating in the air.

SOSPENSIONE|which means “suspension” in Italian, is a lounge chair made of cast acrylic. The suspension under the seat provides a comfortable seating experience that adapts to the body's movements. The design of the transparent acrylic eliminates the presence of the chair and blends into the space.

TAPPARELLA|which means "blind window shutters" in Italian. These blind shutters are a common feature of the Italian landscape, and the chair was inspired by this TAPPARELLA. The blinds can be freely transformed according to the curve of the human body.

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